Love Monkey Blows

A Blog About How The CBS VH1 Show "Love Monkey" Blows.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Robbed? Shaff(t)ed?

I wonder how long the show will last? I hope it goes long enough for us to see the Robbers On High Street episode, but I don't know when that's slated to run; I think it's like ep. 4 or 5 at least. But I mean, I guess we should keep in mind that this is a mid-season replacement, and as such, there aren't that many total episodes, anyway. Although I'm sure the show will stay on long enough for the Paul Schaffer episode, though.



  • At 8:09 PM, Blogger Zen Wizard said…

    If it gets canceled, how can we keep making fun of it??

    We NEED this show; the way Nixon needed Alger Hiss!!


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